Durga's Tiger Experience
A unique course for very special times
Hello and Welcome
The Durga's Tiger School Experience
How the Course Works
Introduction: Iris Disse
Introduction: Wind Disse
Introduction: Christian Marti
Introduction: Christoph Baumann
Dancing the Chakras Meditation with Iris Disse
Sarpá-Vid Meditation with Christian Marti
4 Direction Meditation with Wind Disse
Monkey Meditation with Wind Disse
Nadabrahma Meditation with Iris Disse
Kaula Tantra Yoga with Iris Disse
Kaula Tantra Yoga with Christian Marti
Kaula Tantra Yoga with Wind Disse
Short Kaula Tantra Yoga with Iris Disse
Durga's Tiger Dance: Introduction
How to use the Durga's Tiger Dance Lessons
1: Liberation of the Voice - Introduction Lesson
1: Durga's Tiger Dance - Ceibo
2: Liberation of the Voice - Heart
2: Durga's Tiger Dance - Rebellion
3: Liberation of the Voice - Cosmos
3: Durga's Tiger Dance - Cosmic Mother
About the Theater Playground Online Lessons
Theater Playground: No Fear
Theater Playground: Humming
Theater Playground: Doors
Theater Playground: Hearing
Theater Playground: Symptom
Theater Playground: Empty Chair
Theater Playground: Gender